
The typical patient considered for neuromodulation has tried but not benefitted from multiple previous therapies, and often has multiple physical and psychological co-morbidities. It is important to make patients understand that neuromodulation is not a cure for pain and, therefore, is also not a guaranteed resolution to the wider impact of pain including negative impact on mood, reduction in social engagement, and unhelpful thinking patterns.. It is an expensive treatment,  due to the technology and the multidisciplinary care that is needed, but if neuromodulation can restore function and lessen the financial burden on society in states of persistent pain, it might be possible to justify its use.

 The neuromodulation team must possess the skill sets and resources to support these patients and make sure the optimal benefit is realised from such an expensive treatment.

The psychologist plays a key role in the patients journey. The psychologist assesses the patient  for poor prognostic indicators that could compromise the success of future neuromodulation:

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